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Thai Green Curry Paste Recipe

Authentic Thai green curry paste can be easily made at home if you have the right ingredients.

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This curry paste is the base for the popular Thai green chicken curry and fish curry. Once you learn how to make this paste, cooking Thai curries will be a breeze.

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 Ingredients for Thai Basil Pesto

lemon grass

coriander seeds


Thai basil

Thai chillies

lime leaves


small shallots


cumin seeds

dried prawns

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Toast the coriander seeds and peppercorns on medium heat for about 2 to 3 minutes

How To Make Thai Green Curry Paste

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Add the cumin seeds and toast for a minute more. Do not roast the cumin seeds longer than that. Remove from heat and let the spices cool down.

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Finely chop lemongrass and galangal. Roughly chop garlic and shallots. Soak dried prawns in hot water.

Prepare the ingredients

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Clean and trim the coriander roots to remove dirt and fibrous parts. Some of the stems and leaves can also be used for the flavor.

Prepare the coriander roots

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Add the prepared ingredients to a blender jar and process. You might want to scrape the sides and blend repeatedly until you get a smooth paste.

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If your blender is not powerful enough, try blending lemon grass, galangal and other hard ingredients first. Then add lime leaves and basil.

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Preparing lemongrass and galangal is a very important step in making Thai curry paste. They have to be finely chopped or minced before blending. 

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There are lot of options apart from Thai green curry where you can use this curry paste.

How do you use Thai green curry paste?

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Add a couple of teaspoons of the curry paste to the mixture for fish cakes before frying for a boost in flavor.

In Simple Fish Cake Recipe

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Use it to make Thai-inspired pan-fried prawns and peppers

Add this green curry paste before frying the prawns and peppers.

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Make golden fried prawns with Thai flavors

Add a couple of spoons of Thai curry paste to prawns before coating them with flour.

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